When I saw these beauties online, I knew we had to pop by the Monument Rocks on our 2022 Summer Road Trip. The kids thought I was lost as we cruised down dirt roads for what felt like an eternity them. Groans about wasted time erupted as the rocks appeared small in the distance. But when we finally pulled up, they jumped out of the car eager to explore!
Where are they?
Monument Rocks Natural Landmark is located on private property about 30 miles south of I-70 in western Kansas. The owner doesn’t charge admission, just asks visitors to be respectful of the rocks and animals and visit between sunrise and sunset. It only costs about an hour of time and a few miles on a dirt road to visit.

What are they? (Science alert)
A regular visit for early road-trippers on the early American highway system, Monument Rocks were the first site to be designated as a National Natural Landmark in Kansas. The striking structures are composed of chalk (sedimentary rock calcium carbonate formed by the bodies of ancient plankton under the weight of the ocean about 80 million years ago). After the ancient sea that formed them withdrew, the surrounding land was slowly eroded exposing the towering beauties. If you look closely at the surrounding hills, you can see the chalk lying just beneath the prairie grass.

Hike around the rocks
Climbing on the rocks is prohibited, but the water eroded chalk on the ground makes for a great walking surface to explore the numerous sides and angles. While wandering we even found a whole colony of barn swallows that had taken up residence on the northern face of one of the formations.

Take some awesome pics
Contrast always makes for interesting photos. The white rocks and afternoon shadows were super fun to play with. There isn’t a lot of vegetation to add pops of color, but the kids and Arlo are my favorite additions anyway. The small formation on the west side of the road has an amazing arch that we just couldn’t resist.

Visit some ponies
The kids were elated to see an entire herd of horses adjacent to the monument. As we approached the fence line, several backed away, but a few came closer and seemed to enjoy a little love from the kids. This was honestly the hardest thing to pull them away from, but we were all anxious to get to the World’s Largest Handpainted Czech Egg and our friend’s farm.

Be safe off the beaten path
With a seven-mile dirt road drive through oil fields and pastures, this site is definitely off the beaten path. Some might think “It’s just a quick our detour, but weather on the Great Plains can be extreme and unpredictable and there are no services or facilities at this site.

Bring plenty of water. It was well over 100 degrees the afternoon that we stopped. This is a cool summer day for us Phoenicians, but Arlo and the kids each drank an entire bottle of water in the 30 minutes we were there. Arlo loves slurping a cool drink out of his bottle (similar style), and I love that it keeps the dripping to a minimum.

Dress for the weather. I worked in special events for over a decade and have seen dozens of people drop within minutes of exposure to triple digits. Hats, loose breathable clothing, sunscreen and sunglasses will keep a summer visit short and enjoyable. Winds and winter temps can also hit quickly, so we never leave home without sweats and blankets just in case.

Respect the road. If you’ve never driven on dirt roads, they can be a little tricky. I find a bit of light wash boarding fun, but water can really do some damage. Keep eyes open for potholes, mud or ice if traveling in the wet and cold seasons.

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